Perl is a well-liked web-oriented programming language, that's used to generate CGI scripts and also various applications. It's really handy since you don't have to produce the very same program code repeatedly so that you can have some process executed several times, instead you are able to use modules. They're pre-defined subroutines or groups of functions that can be called and executed within a script. That is to say, you are able to include just a reference to a specific module within your code as an alternative to using the entire module code time and time again. In this way, your script will be shorter, therefore it'll be executed a lot faster, not mentioning that it will be much easier to maintain or modify. In case you'd like to employ a third-party ready-made Perl script rather than creating your own, it will most likely need particular modules to be present on the hosting server.

Over 3400 Perl Modules in Web Hosting

Any time you wish to use Perl-based apps on your sites - ready-made from a third-party website or custom ones, you'll be able to reap the benefits of our large module library. With over 3400 modules installed on our in-house built cloud hosting platform, you can execute any script, whatever the web hosting package that you pick. Once you log in to the Hepsia Control Panel that is provided with all the accounts, you will be able to see the full set of modules which we have as well as the path that you should include to your scripts so they can access these modules. Since we now have quite a big library, you can find both well-liked and seldom used modules. We prefer to be on the safe side, so in case a third-party script that you intend to use requires a module that is not that popular, we will still have it here.

Over 3400 Perl Modules in Semi-dedicated Servers

Each and every semi-dedicated server that we offer will allow you to use any kind of Perl-based web app that you wish, no matter if you have made it yourself or if you've downloaded it from a third-party website. In either case, it will work properly regardless of the modules it may require as we have a rich library which contains more than 3400 different modules. A complete list is accessible in the Hepsia hosting Control Panel that's used to manage the semi-dedicated server accounts. Along with the list, you can also find the directory path to the modules, in order to know what you should add in your scripts in order for them to link to the modules. A few examples of what we have are URI, DBD::mysql, Image::Magick and LWP and we offer such a large number of modules to make sure that any script will run in spite of its requirements.