SiteMap Generator in Web Hosting
Our web hosting packages feature a sitemap generator that is part of our cutting-edge Hepsia Control Panel. The software tool uses the exact same intuitive Hepsia interface, so you will be able to generate a sitemap for every one of your domains and subdomains with several clicks even if you have not had a site before. There're a couple of options, that you will be able to customize - the depth, which shows the total number of levels within the website the sitemap should follow links, the highest number of links that will be included and what file types will show up on the sitemap. For the latter option, you can type or delete certain file extensions, which will be very helpful if you have files that aren't generic for a site such as php or html, but are pdf or mp3 files, for example. In this way, your custom content will be included in the sitemap in addition to the webpages.
SiteMap Generator in Semi-dedicated Servers
Making a sitemap will take just several clicks when you host your websites in a semi-dedicated server account from us because we provide an automatic generation instrument that will permit you to make a sitemap through a simple interface. The output file will be search engine friendly and it'll be generated inside the website folder where you need it. The generator will enable you to choose how many links to be included in the sitemap and how many levels deep those links should go. As a more advanced option you can also pick what file types to be present or not by entering custom file extensions or removing some of the pre-specified ones. This way, you can customize the sitemap and include any custom content that isn't part of a standard website for instance documents. When needed, you could make a new sitemap anytime if you perform a major update on your Internet site.
SiteMap Generator in VPS Servers
In case you go for a VPS server provided with the Hepsia Control Panel, you'll be able to take advantage of our custom made sitemap generator. The software tool is really handy and generates an XML file that is search engine friendly, so your entire content will be indexed properly. The interface is very simple and with only a mouse click you'll be able to pick the depth of the links which ought to be included, their count, and the file types that need to be included in the sitemap. The last option comes handy if you want only specific content to be present in the sitemap since you'll be able to add and remove file extensions. For instance, you'll be able to add .doc and .pdf files and remove .php files, so the sitemap will display the path to documents and not to standard web pages. The generator enables you to choose any domain or subdomain hosted on your VPS through a basic drop-down menu, which means that each sitemap will be created exactly where you need it.
SiteMap Generator in Dedicated Servers
The Hepsia website hosting Control Panel, which is among the options you'll be able to select for your brand new dedicated server, offers a very easy-to-work-with sitemap generator. You shall be able to generate a sitemap for every site hosted on the server with only a couple of clicks and choose how many levels down the pages links should be crawled and how many links altogether need to be included. To customize your sitemap even further, you'll also have the option to add custom file extensions to it which the generator will include, or you could remove any file extension from the default ones which you will find when you open the Sitemap section of your Control Panel. In this way, you can easily include specific sections of your website and remove others, so that the sitemap can include any custom content that you may offer on the Internet site instead of just the standard web pages.