Varnish is a content caching platform, which is sometimes called an HTTP reverse proxy. It is a website accelerator tool that can boost the load speed of a site by up to one thousand percent, based on its content. Every time a visitor opens any page on a website that uses Varnish, the platform caches the page and delivers it instead of the web server when the visitor accesses it again. Thus, the browser request from the visitor is not processed by the server and the web page will load much faster, as the Varnish caching platform can serve content many times faster than any web server software. The end result is a significantly faster loading page, which leads to an improved browsing experience. If any of the cached pages is updated on the actual website, the content that Varnish stores in its system memory is updated as well, so the website visitors will never end up seeing outdated data.

Varnish in Web Hosting

If you host your sites under a web hosting account with our company, you’ll be able to add Varnish with a few mouse clicks via your hosting Control Panel. The caching platform is available as an upgrade with all our web hosting plans and you can choose the number of the websites that will use it and the maximum amount of system memory that will be available for the cached data. The two upgradeable features in the Upgrades section of the Control Panel are the amount of memory and the number of instances and they aren’t linked directly to each other, so you can decide if you need lots of memory for one single large website or less memory for several smaller ones. You can take advantage of the full potential of the Varnish caching platform in case the websites use a dedicated IP. Using the Control Panel, you can quickly start/reboot/discontinue an instance, delete the cached files individually for each website which uses the Varnish platform or check a detailed system log.

Varnish in Semi-dedicated Servers

The Varnish caching platform is included in the standard set of services that you’ll get when you choose to host your Internet sites under a semi-dedicated server account. You can enable it for any of your Internet sites via our cutting-edge Hepsia hosting Control Panel. The default memory that the Varnish caching platform can use to cache data is 64 MB, but in case you decide that you want more, you can upgrade this memory from the Control Panel’s Upgrades section. You can also upgrade the Varnish instances, in other words – the number of the sites that can use this platform simultaneously. As these two features are not linked to each other, you can use a couple of sites with the default amount of memory or you can order more memory in increments of 32 MB and use all of it for one single Internet site. Varnish performs best when you assign a dedicated IP address to the websites that utilize its power. Hepsia will offer you a simple way of rebooting any instance. On top of that, you will be able to delete the cached files with only one single mouse click.

Varnish in VPS Servers

We provide Varnish with all of the Hepsia-equipped VPS servers, so in case you acquire a server with this Control Panel, you’ll be able to take advantage of the content caching platform at no extra cost. The Varnish platform can use different amounts of memory for caching purposes based on the particular setup that you have chosen at signup, but at any rate, this amount will not be less than several hundred MB. This is quite enough to improve the overall performance of a number of frequently visited websites, so the better page load speeds and the lowered load on the Virtual Private Server will be perceptible. The effect may not be detectable right away, as Varnish will require some time to cache the website content that users request, but soon after you activate it, you will perceive its full potential. This caching platform will permit you to use a lower-end Virtual Private Server and to give less cash to get the very same performance you would get with a higher-end machine without Varnish.

Varnish in Dedicated Servers

In case you order a dedicated server with the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, you’ll acquire Varnish at no additional fee and you’ll exert complete control over it via an exceptionally easy-to-work-with graphical interface – you will be able to start, to discontinue or to reboot an instance, to browse an elaborate system log, to delete the cached files associated with any website and much, much more. The Varnish caching platform will have several GB of virtual memory at its disposal, so even if you manage busy sites with numerous visitors, you will notice the substantially better web page loading times and the less load on your dedicated machine. This will happen soon after you begin using Varnish, as it will require some time to cache the website content that users open. You can get the most out of the platform’s potential if the Internet sites that are using it use also a dedicated IP address, but due to the fact that your dedicated server includes a couple of IPs by default, you will not have to pay anything on top of the monthly fee for the machine itself.